

For schools, groups and individuals

If you are interested in learning more about fish, or the wider environment, the Trust is a good place to start. We can help to organise events for various groups or you can join us in our routine work. If you would prefer to go it alone there are a lots of resources available, some of which have been gathered together here.


The following guides have been produced to assist teachers with the potential for using the resources within this page within the Curriculum:


Advanced Higher Biology

N5 Biology

N4 Biology

N3 Biology

N5 Environmental Science

N4 Environmental Science

N3 Environmental Science


Extracurricular activities


Printable resources to help learn about fish and the natural environment 

West Sutherland Fisheries Trust action sheets to help you explore the environment. These were produced with assistance from the National Heritage Lottery Scotland, SNH, Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Project, John Muir Trust and the Anne Duchess of Westminster Charitable Trust - together with a number of extremely helpful volunteer reviewers.


Exploring Freshwaters - listing some of the species you might find in the lochs and streams

Exploring the Shoreline - listing some of the species you might find in rockpools and on the strandline

Exploring Moorlands - listing some of the species to look out for when out on the moors


Resources from other locations:


In 2007 The Salmon & Trout Association commissioned a book about the brown trout. A lovely story, this helps our younger participants learn all about trout. The book can be downloaded here.


2019 is the International Year of the Salmon. Visit for details of events near you. There is also a colouring sheet detailing the life cycle of the salmon, and this can be accessed here.


Wester Ross Fisheries Trust have produced a number of posters detailing fish and their environment. These make an excellent resource to help understand the species within an ecosystem and their interactions.


Marine Scotland have produced an interesting booklet about the seas and oceans. Containing facts and some fun activities. Download it here.


The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative (SISI) have produced a range of resources on invasive species, biosecurity and more general river and countryside exploration. Access them here.


Email :    Tel : 01971 502259 
Postal Address : WSFT, Gardeners Cottage, Scourie, By Lairg. Sutherland, IV27 4SX.
Charity number : SC024426  Useful Links
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